Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Been A While....

Hello interwebs! Been a while. I'm not still drunk on the Broncos Super Bowl win. There's a good shot they don't make the playoffs, if they don't fix that offensive line. Anyway, I digress. I've been working on The exTerminator, with the intent to produce it sometime this year. Trevor and I also worked on The Adventures of Fox Parson, our webseries homage to '80s action films.

Sadly, The exTerminator got pushed back because life happened. Actors came and went, but I have a good one to play the Terminator role, and I'm keeping him on board. I plan on this happening in 2017.

The Adventures of Fox Parson is still on as well. We want the scripts to be perfect before we get going. Trevor, the man behind Fox, is committed to writing some of the scripts. He had more responsibility at his job, so I'm giving him time. We will be able to work on this over the Christmas break. This is on the list for 2017 as well.

But the biggest reason I've been away is that I've been working on two writing projects. One is a screenplay I wrote as part of Scriptshadow's Write a Screenplay series. I like his site because he breaks down scripts for films that are in development and ones that just came out. The site gives me a chance to see what's selling and what ideas are out in the market.

To coincide with this, Carson, the man behind the site, has an amateur contest. Each week, he took 5 screenplays that would be voted upon by the readers: The First Scriptshadow Amateur Screenplay Tournament. I am proud to announce that my script, Brick House, was one of the 40 scripts! I made the final week, and while I didn't get out of the first round, I got a couple of votes and, more importantly, great feedback. 

The other reason is because I proposed another short story for a pulp anthology that the publisher of my first short story is printing. And they asked me to write it! I have time to submit, I want to make sure it's the best it can be. So that's what I've been up to.

There's more to come, so keep checking back to our website, where all of the updates will be posted. 

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